Friday 26 May 2017

Assignment 2

  1. Task 1 

  2. Editing has allowed films now a days to grow and become more interesting for audiences through aspects such as camera angles, narrative, actors and many more. As we can see D.W Griffiths film “House of Darkness” ( did use someaspects of editing and fades but compared to the 21st Century filmshave changed a lot due to the type of software that we have and the type of technology and the knowledge. Although films nowadays such as Batman use lots of special effects, camera angles and many more to create a film that the audience want.
  3. The purpose of editing allows firstly the film to flow so the audience are interested by what they’re seeing on the screen. It also allows there to be a narrative of time with the use of camera angles, pace and narrative structure.When editing was being tried and tested in the early 1900’s the film producers and directors realised they need to create their films in a different way to get people to enjoy them. Manipulate Space and Time
  4. Techniques of editing include transitions such as cuts, jump cuts, fades and washout. All these have an important role within editing as the cuts etc allow the film to move at a quick pace in order for the film to stay interesting to the audience.Cut: 

I'm sorry for my poor work

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